The End of the First 6 Months of Retirement

It's been interesting. Lots of little accomplishments (my house has reached a level of clean/organized that it hasn't been in ages), interesting experiences - the Eclipse (it was amazing!!!!!), getting to know my grandson, learning to handle unstructured time, and slogging away on the first book. That last has been the most challenging. Not the writing - that's relatively easy. No, the problem is that I have discovered that I contain massive amounts of insecurities. I doubt that I can write anything worth reading, I worry that I will be a failure at something I deeply and earnestly want to do, and that I will not be able to find an audience that wants to read what I write. In short, the possibility of being judged, and found wanting, is…
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Not Working Right Now, But Reading

I've been curiously unable to get down to the revisions (fear? doubt? laziness?), so I've been catching up on other things - home organization, fitness, cooking, reading. That last thing, reading, has led me to some interesting authors, including: Kat Howard - here is a link to some of her short stories - quite engrossing. Kristine Kathryn Rausch - she blogs at Kriswrites, and has put together a Holiday-Themed Bundle (bundles are an opportunity to get LOTS of reading for a small price - a very good deal). BTW, don't stop with her fiction (good as it is). She also writes with a cold and clear eye about the business of writing. Michael Connelly - on both audio and book (Kindle) format - I've been catching up with some of…
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